Deep, Becoming a
person of Influence by Gordon MacDonald is a book about a minister that
realizes his church is in for trouble down the road if things don’t change. Church as normal i.e. Come at 9, sing, sit, listen, greet your neighbor,
your money leave at 10 or 11 isn’t going to cut it today. Why are we meeting
like this? Why don’t the people in the church know each other better? Gordon’s
answer comes from outside the box, his unsaved neighbor, who challenges him to
have a good concise story of what his church is all about. He realizes that
depth is what is missing. People
actually taking the time to invest in each
other and their faith. Caring whether or not each other is going deeper in
their faith.
I thought the book was
captivating yet slow. I found myself impatient to know the end results of the
CDP (Cultivating Deep People) initiative yet not wanting to miss anything. It
read more like a person’s journal than a sit down good book to read and yet it
kept me wanting to know the next person, the next step, the next achievement. Gordon made you feel as though you were an active part of the book and in turn
causes you to want to go deep in your faith and walk as well. I did however in
my impatience skip several chapters due to the monotony of the conversations.
Disclaimer: In exchange for
my review, I received a free copy of Going Deep from Thomas
Nelson through BookSneeze.com
The Grace Effect by
Larry Alex Taunton was no less than
spell binding, quick, masterfully written. This book is about the adoption of a
ten year old girl from the Ukraine
by a Christian Family whose father is no less than a famous apologist for the
Christian Faith. He learns up close and personal the truth of God’s fingerprint
on us as human beings. He witnesses the impact of an atheistic society on this
child and environment. It was truthful, educational and very real. I didn’t put
it down until I had read it in full. A story of great patience and apologetics
without mixing words. “How many dictatorships, genocides, purges, wars,
famines, gulags, economic disasters, morally bankrupt leaders, and impoverished
nations must the world suffer before its people realize that belief in God is
necessary for the stability of civilization? I especially loved the debate at
the end with a well know atheist befriended by the author. The question was:
“Are all religions the same?” he chose to speak of the Christian doctrine which
separates Christianity from all of the other faiths. Grace. While other
religions offer salvation via “to do” lists, Christianity alone offers
salvation through a Person who is accessed by the grace he so freely offers.
Without grace, he argued, we are all without hope. Amen, Larry Taunton, Amen I would have loved
to hear the conversation as the atheist and Larry went for coffee after the
I have never read any of Andy’s
other works but I will now
because of the impact his Final Summit has made on me. This is about a
supernatural travel through time to gain answers and insight from the worlds
most valued people. Andy has woven suspense, time travel, supernatural beings,
historically key people, and God himself into an Ingenious and Powerful book on
the state of the human race and what can be done to turn the destructive
tide. Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln
just to wet your curiosity. The wisdom that the main character receives from
the various historical figures is timeless.
The historical figures are called Travelers and here are
quotes. “For if you are still breathing then you are still alive and if you are
still alive that means that haven’t accomplished what you were placed on earth
to do. If you haven’t accomplished what you were put on earth to accomplish,
this signifies that your life’s very purpose has yet to be fulfilled.” If your very purpose has yet to be
that is proof that the most important part of your life remains ahead of you…end
of quote. “Chance has corrupted your minds, for now, many of you dare to attribute
your world, your universe, your very existence…. To ‘chance.’” End of quote.
Insightful and Timely for this 21st Century.
would compare Andy Andrews to a C. S. Lewis or Gene Edwards of today.