Thank you for wanting to know more about Us at Firestarter Publications.

Jeanne is an author, hospice chaplain and
nurse, artist, publisher, mother and grandmother of 12 and a cherished happy wife.
Jonathan is a minister who enjoys playing
musical instruments and encouraging others in their expression of worship of their heavenly father. He does this through creating
an atmosphere where a spontaneous expression of the heart can come forth. He also enjoys writting, is a
loving father as well as a grandfather and an aspiring pilot and a loving awesome husband.
Together they
happily live wherever the Lord leads them. They are often found in California or Arkansas or somewhere in between...
"We are learning now more than ever
to hear the Lord and obey His command to go here or there. Is it to another home? Is it to a congregation? Is it to a homeless
person sitting on the bench at the train station? Where is that one that you would have us minister to? Sometimes that one
is closer than where we are looking. What needs are crying out to be met? Are they physical or spiritual or both. Usually
the physical that we attend to like building fences or cleaning windows or helping a book get published has a correlation
to the spiritual need. It is exciting to see the Lord work in us and in others as we respond to Him in obedience and to one
another in love."
Father, our greatest desire is that You use us together to leave Your glory and touch in our wake. Every house we enter, every
one we pray for will have had a touch from You. Your grace, Your peace, Your healing, Your joy. Whatever their need may be.
Oh Lord God use our arms, mouths, hands, words, hugs, knowledge to present You to them. We want no credit, we want no payment,
we want only to be emptied of the love You've given us. So that we would be able to receive more, to give more, to receive
more, to give more and on and on and on
Love Jonathan and Jeanne