What fonts can I use in my document?
If you are planning to upload your own PDF, you may use any fonts you like, but you must embed the fonts in the PDF before uploading to Lulu. If you are planning to have Lulu convert your document to a PDF, be sure to choose fonts
from the following list. If you use a font that is not on this list, the Lulu converter will substitute one of these fonts
in its place. This may adversely affect your formatting.
Book Antiqua
Bookman Old Style
Times New Roman
Follow these
general guidelines when choosing your fonts:
Serif fonts are best for printed documents.
Use serif fonts like Garamond, Times New Roman and Palatino for blocks of body text.
Sans serif fonts are best for online
documents and for display text. Use sans serif fonts like Arial and Verdana if you intend your book to be viewed online.
Use bold sans serif fonts for title
text or headings.